May 10, 2014

How close is the nearest road in New Zealand?

Gareth Robins has answered this question with a very beautiful visualization generated with a surprisingly compact piece of R code.

Distance to the nearest road in New Zealand

Distance to the nearest road in New Zealand

Check out the full size image and the coded here.


James Curran's interests are in statistical problems in forensic science. He consults with forensic agencies in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. He produces and maintains expert systems software for the interpretation of evidence. He has experience as an expert witness in DNA and glass evidence, appearing in courts in the United States and Australia. He has very strong interests in statistical computing, and in automation projects. See all posts by James Curran »


  • avatar
    Shane Field

    If Gareth is looking for more spatial applications of R, perhaps he’d consider doing a similar thing with polling booths? The difference with that one is that it would have to be distance by road to have any practical meaning.

    10 years ago

  • avatar
    David Welch

    That’d be Gareth Robins not Gareth Roberts…

    10 years ago

    • avatar
      James Curran

      Whoops! Thanks David. Fixed now.

      10 years ago