Posts filed under Design of experiments (23)

September 29, 2011

Faster-than-light neutrinos.

So. It turns out that there is a statistical angle to the recent report of neutrinos travelling faster than light, since it’s the assessment of uncertainty in the travel time and distance that is really at issue.  For a nice summary of the measurement issues from a card-carrying physicist and popular science writer, see Chad Orzel’s blog.

June 28, 2011

Interesting read

Here is an interesting blog post on the heated debate about the link between soda consumption and obesity in the US.

June 13, 2011


Every time I watch a Mythbusters experiment I wonder about replication. They (almost) never replicate any of their experiments under the same conditions, or if they do, they do not tell the viewer how many times. It certainly would be nice to have some of the data from their experiments.

Here’s a link to a physics teacher who is thinking some of the same things.